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Sarah Mead

Sarah Mead

Co-Director, Climate Litigation Network, Urgenda

Sarah Mead is Co-Director of the Climate Litigation Network (CLN). CLN was established in 2015 following the landmark Urgenda climate case in the Netherlands. The case was the first time globally that a government was ordered to reduce its GHG emissions – representing a watershed moment for the climate justice movement. To harness the ground-breaking legal strategy and expertise developed in bringing this case, the Urgenda Foundation set up CLN to inspire, incubate and support other cases against governments around the world. Sarah is a New Zealand-trained lawyer, specialising in international environmental law and human rights law – with a focus on States’ obligations in light of the climate crisis. She is co-editor of the collection The Environment through the Lens of International Courts and Tribunals (Asser Press, 2022) and co-editor of the forthcoming Cambridge Handbook on Climate Litigation (CUP, 2024) – a project of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) of the IUCN.

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